The Do’s and Don’ts of Online Reputation Management

The Do’s and Don’ts of Online Reputation Management

There’s no doubt that online reputation management is important. In today’s digital world, your online reputation can make or break your business.

However, with so many different opinions out there on the best way to manage your online reputation, it can be difficult to know where to start.

To help you out, we’ve put together a list of the do’s and don’ts of online reputation management.

Do: Monitor Your Online Reputation

The first step to managing your online reputation is to monitor what is being said about you online. There are a number of tools you can use to do this, including Google Alerts and Mention.

Google Alerts will send you an email notification whenever someone mentions your brand or keywords related to your brand online.

Mention is a tool that allows you to track, mention, and respond to mentions of your brand across the web in real-time.

Don’t: Ignore Negative Feedback

When someone leaves negative feedback about your business online, it’s important to take notice. Ignoring it will only make the situation worse.

Instead, take the time to respond to the feedback and try to resolve the issue. If you’re not able to resolve the issue, at least let the person know that you’re taking their feedback seriously and are looking into it.

Do: Encourage Positive Reviews

One of the best ways to manage your online reputation is by encouraging customers to leave positive reviews about your business.

There are a number of ways you can do this, including asking customers to leave reviews on your website or social media pages, or offering incentives for customers who leave positive reviews.

Don’t: Fake Reviews

While it’s important to encourage positive reviews, you should never fake reviews. Not only is this dishonest, but it can also backfire and damage your reputation even more.

Do: Take Action if Necessary

If you find that there is negative information about your business online that you can’t control, you may need to take action. This could include contacting the website owner or sending a cease and desist letter.

Don’t: Get into a Heated Argument

If you do decide to respond to negative feedback, it’s important to stay calm and professional. Getting into a heated argument will only make the situation worse and damage your reputation even more.

Do: Be proactive

The best way to manage your online reputation is to be proactive. This means monitoring what is being said about you online and taking action to resolve any negative feedback. It also means encouraging customers to leave positive reviews and building up a positive online presence.

Don’t: Wait until it’s too late

Too often, businesses wait until they have a reputation issue before they start managing their online reputation. This is a mistake. By monitoring your online reputation and taking action to resolve any issues, you can avoid serious damage to your business.

Online reputation management is important for any business in today’s digital world. By following the do’s and don’ts above, you can ensure that your online reputation is managed effectively.


1. What is online reputation management? 

Online reputation management (ORM) is the process of monitoring, managing, and influencing the online reputation of an individual or brand.

2. Why is online reputation management important? 

In today’s digital world, your online reputation can make or break your business. A positive online reputation can attract new customers and help you to retain existing customers. A negative online reputation can damage your business and make it difficult to attract new customers.

3. How can I monitor my online reputation? 

There are a number of tools you can use to monitor your online reputation, including Google Alerts and Mention. Google Alerts will send you an email notification whenever someone mentions your brand or keywords related to your brand online. Mention is a tool that allows you to track, mention, and respond to mentions of your brand across the web in real-time.


It’s important for businesses to monitor their online reputation and take action to resolve any negative feedback. Additionally, businesses should encourage customers to leave positive reviews in order to build up a positive online presence.


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