What Is The Goal Of Addiction Treatment?

What Is The Goal Of Addiction Treatment?


Many treatments and interventions are available to help someone overcome their addiction to alcohol or drugs. Addiction treatment can be tailored to suit each individual’s needs. It is easy to feel inspired when you start a drug rehab program.

What Is Addiction?

Historically, the belief that addiction is due to weakness or immorality has been misunderstood. People who were struggling with addiction were often mistreated. Addiction treatment included being admitted into inebriate and lodging homes. This was done until the individual “dried up” or abstained from substances without medical treatment.

Addiction refers to a primary, persistent, [long-term] illness of brain reward, motivation, or memory. Dysfunction in these circuits can cause distinctive biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations.

What Does Recovery Mean?

Recovery is process that lasts a lifetime and is unique for each individual. Recovery is a process through which individuals can improve their health and well-being, lead self-directed lifestyles, and achieve their full potential. Because substance abuse often has adverse effects on several aspects of a person’s personal and professional lives, such as their relationships, finances, and overall health, recovery can be a complex process.

There are many pathways to recovery. Some people find that complete abstinence from all substance use is crucial in preventing addiction-related symptoms. A person with a substance use disorder could engage in harm reduction techniques. They may also employ healthy thought and behavior patterns.

What Does Addiction Treatment Look Like?

There are many aspects involved in treating addiction to drugs and alcohol, including counseling and education, therapy, especially t modalities and Concierge Diagnostics & Treatment.

The medical team may prescribe medication for you to maintain brain chemistry, reduce withdrawal symptoms, or treat your cravings. One example of opioid addiction treatment is methadone.

When treating addiction, the medical team often addresses any underlying mental issues. Many people with addiction suffer from co-occurring disorders. A common co-occurring disease may be any diagnosis in addition or a substance use condition, such as anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, mood disorder, and other mental disorders. Sometimes other mental health issues may precede the substance use disorder. Substance dependence can result from mental health issues.

After the person has gone through the detoxification stage, they will enter the active phase. Active treatment involves changing thinking patterns and using new coping mechanisms. Counselors and therapists can help patients with anxiety, depression, and other symptoms of mental illness.

What Are The Goals For Each Stage Of Addiction Treatment?

Each stage is meant to help an individual with a substance use problem achieve specific goals. These are the stages.


A period in which you stop using drugs or alcohol is called detoxification. The goal is to detoxify the body and remove any other substances. A medical team will be able to help you with a personal detox plan if you have severe or moderate substance use disorders.

In other situations, the team might slowly adjust your body to lower alcohol and drug levels. Medical detox offers continuous medical treatment.


After detox, you may be eligible for inpatient/outpatient rehabilitation (rehab). Inpatient rehab requires that you reside in a residential facility where you will stay for several weeks or even months. These are also known as day treatments.  Counselors, therapists, and other professionals help you assess the effects of addiction


Many people continue to attend individual, Group, and Family Therapy for several months or years after receiving treatment for their addiction. Some choose to join peer support groups like Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous (NA), as well as structured coaching programs such as sobriety and faith-based programs. Many people require ongoing care for their mental health, including medication management.


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